If you want a extra cash and part time job?SEE THIS. #Students #Professor
The surge in mobile internet usage Google has made changes; Businesses must have a Mobile-Optimized website in order to be found mobile.
Good day to you,
Lead Generation App, Inc., Good morning. I’m Nj of lead generation app and I’m the HR and Marketing Officer and were looking for a virtual secretary / commission based sales rep. in
my company. maybe you’re interested. thank you. Lead Generation App. We make mobile apps and websites.
Ill pay you $100 per website sold. And $100-$300 per mobile app customer you bring..
we endorse companies thru mobile app / website to end up sales and marketing promotion in their part
for example you have a very unique and famous restaurant down town for example precious #CCOB resto bar, then I can make that a mobile app / website. all of the products you sell, services and other things you want to be posted in the mobile app you can put everything. like a logo, food, drinks, news & announcements. after that once the app is finished? your clients and customers can download the app and once its done and youre customers done downloading the app? and you going to update your resto bar like (20% off drinks & Free Meal on November 25,2015) so, that update will send to all the people who has your app in their mobile devices. so we implement and target mobile marketing and advertisement and hassle free device platform thru mobile app and website in your business.
You can offer your friends or people you know like : Rappers, singers, insurance agents, car dealerships, restaurants, lawyers, spa, resort, bar & restaurant, school, government,
establishment or own personal Mobile App or Website.
Create a nice sales pitch thats 5 sentences. With our website or facebook page
(fb.com/leadgenerationapp & www.leadgenerationapp.com). Then give it to 10 people a day.
Thats it.. with in 30 days guaranteed your paid out your commission. you can also magrecruit.. for more money.just share the link to people in business Anywhere.. local or internationally.. but its better in america..
To make it easy.. cut your fee in half and offer half of your comission with your friends.
so even if you dont have sales still you can still get sales for other you share the business
for more infor and questions please call/text me : 0915 396 1999 | fb.com/njprolife |
Human Resource / Marketing Officer
Leaf Generation App, Inc.