5 things to learn before you leave home

Leaving home and heading off to university can be both exciting and terrifying. Here are our list of tips and tricks to help you prepare for the big move.
There’s no need to be Jamie Oliver in the kitchen, but learning how to cook basic meals is a necessity to survive student life. Yes you could live on super noodles every day, but it’s not recommended and definitely not healthy. Also, for obvious health and safety reasons, please don’t cook when you’ve been drinking! You don’t want to be that student everyone ridicules when the fire alarm goes off at 3am.
Budgeting is definitely not one of the most exciting tasks in the world but it is important. Some of my friends at uni would compile spreadsheets and have all their money tied up to the last penny. If you think this will work for you, then go for it. Frankly, I find this rather unrealistic. Set yourself a weekly budget and stick to it. However, with all the social events and general excitement, it’s definitely worth putting aside a bit extra for fresher’s week.
Bank Account
Most banks will offer student accounts, so shop around to get the right one for you. An interest free student overdraft can be handy for when your student loan depletes, but try not to dip too far into it. As many recent graduates will tell you, once you start to rely on your overdraft it can be hard to get back to black.
One of the best perks of being a student is the discounts you can get. Pick up an NUS card and get in the habit of asking places if they do student discount, you will be surprised at the amount of shops and services that offer it.
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